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Whether it is reacting to regulatory change, opportunity in the market, or a review of existing business, the Consolo experience and market knowledge can help you undertake the research and analysis you need to make informed decisions about solutions that fit your business.

We can undertake analysis that identifies opportunities to optimise your program, re-assure investors or ensure you are compliant with regulation or client mandates.  After agreeing objectives and approach, analysis is undertaken by experienced market practitioners and culminates in an in-depth report with detailed, costed recommendations.  Recommendations often include a software/system development component but may also consist of process improvement, organisational change or strategic planning and policy development.

Business Analysis


Analysing the performance of your lending business compared to market to optimise performance and improve returns and efficiencies.

By comparing your performance to the market, you can be assured that you are optimising available portfolios to maximise returns and efficiencies. Analysis of all aspects of your current program and consideration of market trends and opportunities relevant to your risk appetite and available portfolios gives a complete overview of the current status of your activity.

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Assisting in the development, collation and analysis of service reviews and RFP information.

Consolo help clients develop an RFP process that ensures they ask the right questions of the right service providers and that the answers are complete and given appropriate weighting when being compared.

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Ensuring that the processes and procedures applied to your business are efficient and effective, and have robust risk controls applied.

It is easy for processes that are developed over time to become inefficient and in some cases lacking in robust risk controls. System shortfalls can often be a cause and work-arounds are common.  Consolo can analyse the processes, risk controls and knowledge base of your operational processes and identify where efficiencies can be made.  Often these are system based solutions requiring development or upgrades and Consolo will provide a fully costed ROI analysis for any solution proposed.

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